Tuesday, May 27, 2014

On the Pillows of Her Soft Arms

On the Pillows of Her Soft Arms
by Rizwan Ahmed Memon

As I lay down
On the pillows
Of her soft arms,
I fell fast asleep.
I saw paradise
In my dream
And we were flying with Angels.
The leader of all angles
Brought two crowns,
And he put them on our heads.

As I slept
On the pillows
Of her soft arms,
I felt a lovely fragrance.
A gentle breeze
Kept blowing.
When I woke up,
The world had come to an end,
And I had reached eternity. 

The Nights of Endless Pleasure

The Nights of Endless Pleasure
by Rizwan Ahmed Memon

The summer nights
When we met
Were the nights
Of endless pleasure.
Sometimes the moon shined;
Sometimes it hid in the clouds.
Sometimes stars twinkled; 
Sometimes they disappeared.
Sometimes a cuckoo sang; 
Sometimes a firebird flew.
Sometimes the wind blew; 
Sometimes it rained.

The summer nights 
When we met 
Were the nights
Of endless pleasure.
Sometimes she hugged me; 
Sometimes she kissed. 
Sometimes she whispered in my ear; 
Sometimes she only looked at me.
Sometimes she slept; 
Sometimes she lay awake.
Sometimes she held my hands; 
Sometimes she let them go.

In the Shadows of Her Long Hair

In the Shadows of Her Long Hair
by Rizwan Ahmed Memon

She quenched my all thirst
When I sat in the shadows of her long hair.
Her soft whispers lulled me to sleep
When I sat in the shadows of her long hair.

Moles on her cheek began to twinkle
When I sat in the shadows of her long hair.
Fragrance permeated all around
When I sat in the shadows of her long hair.

Her tender touch healed my all wounds
When I sat in the shadows of her long hair.
She purified my soul and my body
When I sat in the shadows of her long hair.

She gave me life and love that has no end
When I sat in the shadows of her long hair.
Rains of happiness began and all fears were drowned
When I sat in the shadows of her long hair.

Friday, May 23, 2014

In the Moonlight of May

In the Moonlight of May

by Rizwan Ahmed Memon

We met in the moonlight of May.
A cuckoo sang a melodious song to make our night romantic.
The moles on her cheek were dim like stars around the moon.
Her bright, soft, velvety, snow-like face kept me awake all night long.

On that night suddenly I got lost in the forest of her long hair.
Then she whispered the way in my ear.
She put her light hands in my hands and brought me back.
She hugged me and promised to stay with me forever.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

(12) Someone Who Runs the World

Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon 

Village Akil
Larkana, Sindh Pakistan
May 2, 2014

Dearest Seemi,

          It is evening, and I am out for a walk again. It is a little windy today. The old Neem tree, under which I often sit when I miss you and where I have often written stories and poems, is beside me, and I am writing this letter on my laptop. Today as I was coming home from work, one anxiety came into my mind. I thought about my income. 

I know my income is less than what we had hoped it would be. I am working as a private teacher. I can lose my job at any time. These realities made me scared for a while, but as I looked around me, I saw many people working on the streets. I thought about them and realized that their jobs are also temporary. They don’t have government jobs, and their income must be insufficient. They all are working just as laborers. Despite all that, I saw that they were happy in their lives.

By the time I reached home, I decided that I would never be worried about my income or money anymore. I realized that it is someone else who runs this world, and it is God and He has the responsibility of providing sustenance to all humans on the earth.

Well, keeping that in my mind, I also realized that God helps those who help themselves. I will not just sit at home. I will work and use all of my energy to make enough money for our survival. No doubt money is important in our lives, but I feel there are things more important than money. One should not dedicate one’s life just to making money. If all of the essential needs of humans are fulfilled, they will concentrate on something different and important.

By the way, a few days are left until our wedding. I am all prepared. I am mentally relaxed and ready to be married and take on its responsibilities. I feel I have done all the necessary steps that I had to do during my bachelorhood. For instance, completing my education and getting proper skills. I feel that whatever bachelor life I had to live, I have lived. I am ready to get married.

One more thing I have realized in my life is that sometimes things don’t happen according to our plans. All we can do is just try our best.

Seemi, this might be the last letter of our unmarried days! All the letters I have written to you; I have on my computer. One day, these letters will serve as a guide to many people in their lives. I believe that one should not keep one’s experiences and feelings secret because there is no use in keeping secrets and letting them die with us. Also, I believe that someday every secret on the earth will be revealed. These letters are not to be secrets. I will publish them on my blog and let people know our love story.

See you soon, Seemi.

Yours forever,

(11) Peaceful Protest

Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon

Village Akil
Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan
April 27, 2014

Dearest Seemi,

When my brother refused to support our marriage, I was very angry at first and couldn’t bear that injustice. I started to raise my voice against the injustice violently. Then I realized my harsh talk was only adding to the anger and conflict. Then I tried to convince my brother through peaceful, thought-provoking, and civilized protest.

No matter how happy a man can look outwardly, he or she can never be happy inwardly when he or she is doing an injustice to someone. We, as humans, have a conscience that keeps us human. A sense of right and wrong can make us aware of our deeds. Man can grow greedy and act unjustly to others, but he or she will never have inner peace after having deceived and exploited others. I am a very big fan of Martin Luther King, Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela. They always supported nonviolent protest for their rights.

I started to write about injustice. I shared quotes from Gandhi on social media, which reached my brother, my friends, and the whole world. Gandhi’s words if read carefully, can shake one’s mind and heart. Gandhi’s ideas helped me a lot. Through all this advocating, my brother’s conscience was gradually making him feel guilty inwardly. The conviction of his guilt gave him a sense of wrongdoing. He realized that he was snatching someone’s rights and happiness, and that being an elder brother and in charge of the home, he was supposed to help us. Though I made my share of mistakes, he never held them against me because whatever I did was a reaction to his injustice to me.

Well, Seemi, I forgive and forget nearly every wrong work that someone does to me. He is my own brother, so I will forgive and forget whatever he has done. He has always been supportive of me. I am thankful to him.

By the way, I will miss writing these letters to you! How will I write letters to you when we are together? I need to find some way to continue our letters. 

Yours forever,

(10) No More Separation

Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon

Village Akil
Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan
April 26, 2014

Dearest Seemi,

What could be better news than to hear that our wedding date has been decided! I know you know our wedding date because it was decided at your home. We are going to marry on the 17th of May!

Finally, everything has turned out right. Our separation, our longing to meet, and our waiting are going to end. Oh Seemi, it feels like I waited, we waited, for centuries! I sometimes think in waiting, too, there was happiness and joy. The hope of meeting you always kept me alive and active.

They say when something that we want to achieve is achieved, then its charm remains no more. I don’t believe that. My love for you increases every day. Even with my friends, I have noticed that my love, my respect for them never ends, but rather it multiplies each day.

Let’s pray to God this new chapter of life may bring joy and happiness. Let’s pray that sorrow and separation may never stand in our way. Let’s pray that we may have sober, considerate, and respectful offspring. Let’s pray that we may prove to be one of the best couples in the world.

With all of these wonderful prayers and a very warm “I love you,” I am ending this letter.

Yours always,

(9) The Wedding Date

Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon

Village Akil
Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan
April 24, 2014

Dearest Seemi,

I have good news! Guess what? Yesterday your father phoned my brothers and told them to come over. He discussed our marriage and told them to choose the wedding date! Today my family is going to meet with them to decide on the wedding date! It is a miracle. All of a sudden everything is perfect! I am glad we are going to meet next month!

Our waiting is going to end. Our patience will be rewarded. If we admit it, there has never been any spiritual distance between us. We were always together in memory and longing. I am thankful to God our physical separation is ending, too. Now I will have the chance to watch you for hours and chat with you. That is true happiness for me.

I love you, Seemi. We are going to meet soon!

Yours forever,

(8) The Laptop

Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon

Village Akil
Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan
April 19, 2014

Dearest Seemi,

It is harvest time. Fields look yellow and the evening is beautiful. I am sitting in the fields surrounded by yellowish wheat. I am typing this letter on my laptop! Yes, I have bought a new laptop. I have a salary at the center where I teach. It wasn’t enough, but my mother’s pension helped me buy the laptop.

My brother used to spend my mother’s pension for the expenses of the house. Since he has become independent, my mother gives me that money. I have many problems, but I must go on. The laptop has given me mobility and increased my creative writing. Whenever I dream up a good idea for a poem or story, I just turn on the laptop and start writing. 

I once wanted to be an actor. However, I didn’t pursue this goal. As I grew up, I realized that I am a writer. I remember I had an interest in literature from my childhood. Well, here in Pakistan a writer can’t make money by writing. People criticize me for writing saying you get nothing out of it, and it is nothing but a waste of time. Anyway, I don’t write to be paid. I hope you will like my imagination when you read my works.

I run a blog. Its address is RizwanAhmedMemon.blogspot.com. I know you don’t know what a blog is and cannot access it, but I will tell you about these modern marvels after our marriage. You know, I want you to learn English and computer skills after our marriage. I love you even though you cannot speak English or use a computer. Whether you learn English or not, I will always love you the same way even after our marriage.

I will help you learn them if you want to. I hope we will be together soon.

Yours always,

(7) Scratches and Wounds

Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon

Village Akil
Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan
April 18, 2014

Dearest Seemi,

I hope you are all right. Everything has gone wrong here with me. My family is divided. My elder brother, who is in charge of our home, now refuses to support our marriage. My beloved, this is not what I had expected after university. I never imagined my own brother, who always stood by my side, could do this. He listens a lot to his wife. His wife is your sister, but I don’t know what kind of sister she is since she doesn’t care even for you. She has turned my brother against us. They both are now of the same nature. They are committing an injustice on us.

Well, Seemi, I am broken and have scratches and wounds on my heart. You must be feeling the same after learning all this, but I still have not lost hope. Someday we will be together. Pray that God may give me strength and comfort.

I have not written to you for more than two months because a lot is going through my mind. I have also started teaching in the city at a private computer center. They pay me less, and the principal is very rude and foul-mouthed. He keeps saying bad words not only to the teachers, but also to the students. He is very proud and abuses everyone. Well, I keep ignoring him and his words. I have to do something to survive and to collect some money for our wedding. 

I now understand a lot about the world and people. Time has taught me that no matter who it may be, if he or she has no feelings, he or she will not care for anybody. This callous person may even be a brother or a sister. 

I will write to you again soon, and I will tell you more about my situation. Stay calm and don’t take these problems seriously. My mind remains occupied by these burdens. However, I am trying to get all this out of my mind. Pray that the hard times may end soon and that the good times may come.

Yours forever,

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

You are….

You are….
by Rizwan Ahmed Memon

You are a dense shadow of a Neem tree
On a hot summer day.
You are a rain of blessing
On my heart’s desert Thar.
You are waves of life
On the bank of my soul’s Indus.
You are a bandage of healing
On the wounds of my body.
You are a compass
On the voyage of my life.


by Rizwan Ahmed Memon

The river seems still
Without your presence.
The bank seems gloomy
Without your footprints.
The boat seems unsafe
Without your touch.
The journey seems empty
Without your company.
The levee seems like a graveyard
Without your walk.

Please Do Tell Her

Please Do Tell Her
by Rizwan Ahmed Memon

Please do tell her
That the summer has come back,
The river has started flowing,
The boats, the birds have come back,
And that I have been looking forward to her arrival.

Please do tell her
That the rains have come back,
The wind has started bellowing,
The flowers have bloomed,
And that I have been thinking about her.

Please do tell her
That the winter has passed,
The harvest is over,
The farmers are gone,
And that I have been waiting for her.

Please do tell her
That the vegetables in the fields are ripe,
The shadows of trees are dense,
The summer holidays are on,
And that I have been looking forward to her arrival.

And please ask my city girl
When she will return
To the village, to the river, to the fields, to me.

My Longing for You

My Longing for You
by Rizwan Ahmed Memon

Life came to an end,
But not my separation from you.
Tears dried, sobs stopped,
But not our sorrow.
Oh my love, our youth ended,
But not my longing for you.